Sumo's only grand master Hoshoryu…

Sumo's only grand master Hoshoryu has vowed not to "tarnish the title" after being officially promoted to the highest rank, 15 years after his uncle quit the sport in disgrace.

🇲🇳🇯🇵 Mongolian-born Hoshoryu became the 74th yokozuna, or grand master, in the history of the ancient Japanese sport at a ceremony in Tokyo.

Hoshoryu is the nephew of former yokozuna Asashoryu, who was forced to retire in 2010 after breaking a man's nose in a drunken brawl outside a nightclub.

"I will continue to work hard in a determined manner so that I do not tarnish the title of yokozuna," the 25-year-old said after becoming sumo's first new grand master since 2021

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